Roof Repair In Terrell, Texas

Roof Repair In Terrell, Texas

Family Owned and Operated Since 2018

Looking for Roof Repair In Terrell, Texas?

Helius Roofing is a small, family-owned roofing company located in the heart of Celina, Texas. We specialize Roof Repair In Terrell, Texas this also includes: new construction, gutters, hail and damage. Here at Helius Roofing we provide the best workmanship using premiere products but most importantly, we have set the bar in customer service. We understand that our customers are the lifeline to our success and that's why customer service is our #1 priority. We know that you, the homeowner, have many options when it comes to selecting a roofing company. Our promise to you is Helius Roofing we will be here tomorrow to stand behind what we do today. We appreciate you stopping by and would love an opportunity to work on your roofing project.

The roof is covered with soft shingles in the form of geometric plates of gray color.Texture and background.
Roofer Working On Exterior Of New Home

What we do

Our Services

Helius is dedicated to providing quality, trusted services in North Texas. Whether it's roof repair, hail analysis or roof replacement we are excited to work for you and with you to complete the job with integrity, no matter the size.